

^ The circumflex symbol marks the beginning of a pattern, although in some cases it can be omitted
$ Same as with the circumflex symbol, the dollar sign marks the end of a search pattern
. The period matches any single character
? It will match the preceding pattern zero or one times
+ It will match the preceding pattern one or more times
* It will match the preceding pattern zero or more times
| Boolean OR
Matches a range of elements
() Groups a different pattern elements together
[] Matches any single character between the square brackets
{min, max} It is used to match exact character counts
\d Matches any single digit
\D Matches any single non digit caharcter
\w Matches any alpha numeric character including underscore (_)
\W Matches any non alpha numeric character excluding the underscore character
\s Matches whitespace character
‘/hello/’ It will match the word hello
‘/^hello/’ It will match hello at the start of a string. Possible matches are hello or helloworld, but not worldhello
‘/hello$/’ It will match hello at the end of a string.
‘/he.o/’ It will match any character between he and o. Possible matches are helo or heyo, but not hello
‘/he?llo/’ It will match either llo or hello
‘/hello+/’ It will match hello on or more time. E.g. hello or hellohello
‘/he*llo/’ Matches llo, hello or hehello, but not hellooo
‘/hello world/’ It will either match the word hello or world
‘/(A-Z)/’ Using it with the hyphen character, this pattern will match every uppercase character from A to Z. E.g. A, B, C…
‘/[abc]/’ It will match any single character a, b or c
‘/abc{1}/’ Matches precisely one c character after the characters ab. E.g. matches abc, but not abcc
‘/abc{1,}/’ Matches one or more c character after the characters ab. E.g. matches abc or abcc
‘/abc{2,4}/’ Matches between two and four c character after the characters ab. E.g. matches abcc, abccc or abcccc, but not abc


  1. preg_match

  2. preg_repalce


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